by manuelwatt | Dec 14, 2020
Intellectual output proposed for a life long learning project in which the partners developed a guideline of methodologies and tools to enhance the benefits of a multicultural society and how both teachers and students should develop intercultural competences.
by manuelwatt | Dec 14, 2020
Teachers, parents and students carry out an educational process in which families pass on their knowledge and experience to students encouraging their personal development.
by manuelwatt | Dec 14, 2020
Teaching methodologies that foster creativity and turn students into agents of change and the Social Theater as a pedagogical tool that encourages social participation based on experiences lived by students in the first person.
by manuelwatt | Dec 14, 2020
Website dedicated to provide a metodological approach about why it is important to provide an assessment during and to close a project, why any project should have an assesment, as well as why assessment is not pointed as a priority and finally a methodical...
by manuelwatt | Dec 14, 2020
The Vale da Amoreira Forum Theater Group ValArt has been working since 2008 with the methodology of the Theater of the Oppressed in partnership with GTO LX. Since then the group has created 4 shows presenting them inside and outside Portugal. In 2012, after the...
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