Go Up Online Digital Database of good practices and resources in Intercultural and Inclusive Theatre

A useful online tool that offer to adult education teachers and trainers innovative methodologies and inspirational good practices and resources useful to put in practice Intercultural and Inclusive Theatre projects.

Training Curriculum for Intercultural and Inclusive Theatre

An ECVET curriculum (based on European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training) for the assessment, validation and recognition of Intercultural and Inclusive Theatre learning outcomes.

Go Up Pedagogical Handbook on Intercultural and Inclusive Theatre

An Open Educational Resource (OER) aimed to provide innovative pedagogical and methodological approaches on the use of theatre techniques to teach intercultural competencies and support the cultural integration of refugees, asylum seekers and migrants.

Go Up Toolbox for Intercultural and Inclusive Theatre

A multilingual OER that contains a set of practical contents, activities and methods to provide adult education teachers, trainers, tutors and counsellors, at national and European level, with theatre techniques as useful tools to apply in their daily routine to teach intercultural competencies and support the cultural integration of refugees, asylum seekers and migrants.

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