Youth Policies in Turkey

The strong aspect of the youth policy in Turkey has always been the policies aimed at
strengthening the youth. In this scope, policy measures and targets for strengthening the
youth are designed to include all dimensions, situations and future projections of the
young person’s life. This comprehensive point of view for strengthening the youth
manifested itself in the determination of the policy fields of the National Youth and Sports
Policy Document (Ulusal Gençlik ve Spor Politikası Belgesi). These policy fields are:
Education and Lifelong Learning, Ethics and Humanitarian Values, Employment and
Entrepreneurship, Disadvantaged Youth and Social Inclusion, Health and Environment,
Democratic Participation and Citizenship Consciousness, Culture and Art, Science and
Technology, Youth in the International Arena, Using Leisure Time, Informing the Youth
and Volunteering and Mobility.



  • Category
    Policy papers
  • Country
  • Language
  • Type of file
    Text file