Theater Group of the Portuguese Cultural Center (CCP)

The Theater Group of the Portugueses Cultural Center (CCP) was born in 1993, and has since then impressed an unprecedented theatrical dynamic in S. Vicente. It started out as a Theatrical Initiation Course, soon it became a group, never forgetting the training aspect,...

Ma(g)dalena International Network

The International Movement MADALENAS-TEATRO DAS OPRIMIDAS are groups of the Opressed Theater in different countries, formed by women with collective experience in the search of the encounter with other women, with a focus on research and problematization of gender...

(I) migrants

From interviews with war refugees, illegal immigrants, security forces operatives, host technicians, volunteers from non-governmental organizations, this is a single written report put on the scene by a group of creators who want to “ dive ”into the Mediterranean in...

Newsletter of the Migration Observatory

The Migration Observatory (OM) marks World Refugee Day, June 20, dedicating this newsletter to the theme of refugees. Recognizing the great dynamics and timeliness of the theme over the last 3 years, with direct impacts on the institutional and legal response...