by manuelwatt | Dec 14, 2020
The current EU Youth Strategy was agreed by Ministers in November 2018 and runs until 2027. The EU Youth Strategy has three overall objectives: Engage – fostering a meaningful civic, economic, social, cultural and political participation of young people. Connect –...
by manuelwatt | Dec 14, 2020
It is a guide to implement inclusion theatre projects with refugees.
by manuelwatt | Dec 14, 2020
European students’ forum. The aim was to show the general perception and the raised awareness AEGEEans had about the topic of Migration, with special regard to Refugees (Forced Migrants) and Economic Migrants, practices of Interculturalism or...
by manuelwatt | Dec 14, 2020
The European Theatre Lab is a consortium of the European Theatre Convention and 7 public theatres from across Europe guided by an Advisory Board. Specifically, Drama goes digital connecting theatre and audiences across Europe is an innitiative that combine the digital...
by manuelwatt | Dec 14, 2020
This publication looks at the development of intercultural competence as a key element of mainstream education. Focusing on the necessary attitudes, skills and knowledge needed for mutual understanding and sustainable societal change.
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