(Playwriting studio) Educational Studio, National Theatre

The National Theatre has organised an Educational Studio for young playwrights and aims to create texts that had been worked on in the Studio and at the end of the year the participants should to the public in the form of directed staged readings.

The school of Drama, Faculty of Fine Arts

The School of Drama is one of the four departments that comprise the Faculty of Fine Arts at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. The School offers a five-year degree in Drama and Theatre. The course seeks to bridge the gap between theory, scholarship, and...

Writing theatre

Writing Theatre is an innovative form of theatre based on the (re)construction of the person through the intentional use of theatre and representative techniques for therapeutic purposes and to encourage personal growth, integration and individual and collective...

ParaMana puppet theatre

ParaMana Puppet Theater is an artistic organization that introduces a new innovative concept for puppet theater and visual arts in Greece. As an initiative,it ises prioneer methodologies such as, experimental shadow theater, 3D shadow imaging, object theater, body...